Michael Rabbitt Endorsed by Congresswoman Delia Ramirez & State Rep. Lindsey LaPointe
Michael Rabbitt, who is running to replace Jim Gardiner as the Democratic Committeeperson of the 45th ward, has been endorsed by U.S. Congresswoman Delia Ramirez (D-3rd) and Illinois state Representative Lindsey LaPointe (D-19th).
Congresswoman Ramirez stated: “I enthusiastically endorse Michael Rabbitt for 45th Ward Democratic Committeeperson. Michael is an accomplished community leader and coalition builder. He has organized and advocated for years on the Far NWS for many of our progressive movement’s priorities: affordable housing and health care, public education, environmental justice, and reproductive rights. As Committeeperson, Michael will build a diverse and inclusive ward organization to deliver on these issues. Please join me in supporting Michael Rabbitt in the March Democratic primary election.”
Rep. LaPointe shared: ““I am proud to endorse my friend Michael Rabbitt for 45th Ward Democratic Committeeperson. Michael always leads by example, working with community groups day in and day out to create the inclusive and thriving neighborhoods we want on the Far Northwest Side. He has a proven track record of doing the work on the big issues Democrats care about most. As Committeeperson, I know Michael will relentlessly invite participation of our neighbors, which will build up the trust we need for real democracy where it matters most - locally.”
Rabbitt said: “I’m excited and honored by to be endorsed by such prominent and outstanding legislative leaders representing the Far Northwest Side of Chicago and significant parts of the 45th Ward. I’m proud of their support of my campaign to bring new, ethical leadership to our ward, and represent our Democratic values with integrity, transparency, and action.”
The 45th Ward Democratic Committeeperson is on ballot for the March 19th Democratic Primary Election.
Michael Rabbitt’s Statement on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
It all begins with an idea.
On this week’s anniversary of the Roe v Wade case, it’s a reminder that the fight for reproductive rights is as important as ever following the devastating 2022 Supreme Court decision that rolled back the rights of millions of women and ceded to 50 years of Republican-led pressure to arrive at this decision.
We must protect abortion rights and continue to hold our ground on a woman’s right to choose. With reproductive rights being removed by legislators in neighboring states, I am committed to upholding reproductive health care in Illinois.
If elected as 45th Ward Democratic Committeeperson, I will continue to be an unwavering advocate for reproductive freedom by working to ensure that we elect people to office who will protect Illinois’s status as a leading state for reproductive health access.
Paid for by Citizens for Michael Patrick Rabbitt
A copy of our report with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.